Design of Lifting Tool and Pressing Table at Tofu Factory X Considering to the Operator's Work Posture
Anthropometry, Musculoskeletal Disorder, Design, Work PostureAbstract
The X Tofu Factory on of tofu factory located in Sumedang City. Based on the results of an
interview with the owner of the X Tofu Factory, Owner stated that there were several problems
that occurred at the X Tofu Factory. The main problem that occurs is the frequent occurrence of
Musculoskeletal Disorder complaints caused by poor work posture and inadequate physical
facilities. The purpose of this study was to design work aids to be used to lifting load at grinding
work stations and posture when work at pressing station. Theories are used include design
thinking for the design of work aids at milling work stations, Rapid Entire Body Assessment
(REBA) to determine the risk score of work postures, Wisha Lifting Calculator (WLC) to
determine the limiting index of lifting activities, and anthropometry for designing physical
facilities in the form of a tofu moulding table. Data collection was carried out in the tofu
production area by taking tool size data, the Nordic Body Map (NBM) questionnaire, and actual
anthropometric data. From the results of data processing and analysis of the problems above, the
researchers proposed work aids to reduce REBA and Wisha scores, and physical facilities that
were adjustable in height operator's anthropometric data.