Customer Satisfaction Analysis with Importance Performance Analysis on Academic Services at Faculty of Dentistry, University X


  • Ajie Ahmad Safar Telkom University, Indonesia
  • Endang Chumaidiyah Telkom University, Indonesia
  • Ilma Mufidah Telkom University, Indonesia



Academic Services, Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction Index, Importance Performance Analysis


Service is the key to success in various businesses or activities of a services. The success of a service can be
seen when the customer receives the service as expected. Based on data at the Faculty of Dentistry University
X, student satisfaction score on academic services are still low. The purpose of the study was to determine
the level of student satisfaction and evaluate the attributes of academic services in the Dental Professional
Education program, Faculty of Dentistry, University X. Data was collected using a questionnaire with the
Service Quality method (SERVQUAL) which consists of 5 dimensions, Reliability, Tangibles, Assurance,
Responsiveness, and Empathy. Data processing using SPSS 25, the Customer Satisfaction Index method
(CSI) is used to determine the level of student satisfaction with the quality of academic services, Importance
Performance Analysis method (IPA) is used to determine the attributes of academic services that must be
maintained and improved. The results of this study indicate that the level of student satisfaction with
academic services is 80.23%. The results of the IPA analysis show that there are 2 attributes that must be
improved in quadrant A Assurance dimension, V9 (Ease of reporting work results) and V10 (Ease of
obtaining the information about grades and work progress).


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