Analysis and Evaluation of File Storage and Back Up of Disaster Risk in Diskominfo Data Center


  • Radian Adi Pratama Universitas Widyatama, Indonesia
  • Endang Amalia Universitas Widyatama, Indonesia



data center, backup, recovery, disaster, risk, diskominfo


Disaster is a very damaging and unpredictable event when it happens, threatening the facilities of computer
systems and the environment, such as telecommunications systems and data storage. According to the
National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Indonesia is very vulnerable to disasters because of the
geographical characteristics. Indonesia current position is between three active plates and a ring of fire.
Indonesia's reputation as a disaster-prone country is also noted in the report of The Atlas of the Human
Planet 2017. The data shows that the threat of natural disasters has doubled in the last 40 years, in line with
the population growth. Diskominfo West Java is an agency that is tasked with carrying out regional
government affairs in West Java in the field of communication and information technology based on the
principles of autonomy, deconcentrating and co-administration. Diskomifo has a data center that is useful
for the benefit of the information itself and the Regional Work Unit (SKPD) of the West Java provincial
government. A data center must be designed as best as possible to avoid disruption due to disasters,
disturbances or errors that can cause damage to the data center itself, therefore it must be avoided or
minimized from the impact of the risks that occur and guarantee the availability of the organization's
business continuity if interference or disaster is occurred. In this study, an analysis was carried out related
to the assessment of risk occurrence, to determine the level of the threats. In addition, in this document a
business impact analysis is also carried out to determine the priorities of the information system owned by
the organization, so that the organization can prioritize which information system is in the top priority
when disruptions occurred.


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