The Measurement of Technology Acceptance for Information Services in ‘ABC’ University Library Using Technology Acceptance Model
An adoption of technology always produces two reactions, namely acceptance or rejection. Senayan library
management system is a library management system that is able to organize, organize, provide services,
that finally producing an information that can help managers and library members. This study aims to
determine the extent to which technology in information services at the ‘ABC’ Library is received and to
examine the relationship of factors that influence the acceptance and use of these technologies by using the
TAM (Technology Acceptance Model). Assessment is generated from primary data in the form of
questionnaires distributed to 379 respondents. The veripative statistical analysis method in this study uses
SEM (Structural Equation Model) with the software used is Amos 24. Based on the results of the research,
PEOU has a positive effect on PU because the P value (0.013) <0.05, PEOU has no positive effect on
BITU because P value (0.660)> 0.05, PU has a positive effect on BITU because P value (0.000) <0.05, and
BITU has a positive effect on AU because the value of P (0.003) <0.05.