Distribution Network Design and Determination Point of Distribution Center Locations Medical Logistics Assistance Covid-19 in West Java
The distribution of positive Covid-19 cases in Indonesia issued by DKI Jakarta was 3.097 people or
45.82%, West Java was 747 people or 11.05%, and Est Java 590 people or 8,73%. Information by PB IDI
there were 24 doctors who died as of April 16, 2020 due to positive Covid-19, 8 from West Java. Problem
in Gunung Jati Cirebon Hospital, APD from Health Office of West Java Province is not enough. If each
region wants to quickly inventory fulfillment, you need a distribution strategy in a fast travel time. This
study discusses the distribution of the network and determines the distribution center of Covid-19 medical
logistical assistance in West Java so that the travelling time for distribution is fast. This study includes the
distribution network design, logistics clustering, and point of distribution center every cluster. The method
used Selective Distribution Channel approach for distribution networks design, K-Means method for
clustering, and Gravity Location Model for point placement of distribution center. Based on the result of
the discussion that can be drawn the conclusion of getting a fast travel time, a distribution networks can be
made with 4 logistics klasters. Cluster 1 in Kasokandel Majalengka, Cluster 2 in Wanaherang Gunung
Putri, Cluster 3 in Cipendeuy Padalarang, Cluster 4 in Sukamulya Ciamis. The total efficiency of travel
time in cluster 1 is 11.02 hours/week, in cluster 3 is 2.57 hours/week, in cluster 4 os 24.23 hours/week, and
in cluster 2 it is not recommended to make distribution center, so distribution on cluster 2 directly from
Lanud Halim Perdana Kusumah.